Tethered Worlds: Blue Star Setting Read online

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  Jordahk's legs strengthened, and his knee would bend no longer. The man appeared more transparent as the struggle intensified. His fist closed, and his body solidified again. Rainbow shards, some sort of dimensional shearing, arced off his form. A few even scintillated off of Jordahk as the insufferable pressure all but ensured capitulation. But Jordahk would not capitulate. The apparition's eyes flared iridescent, cycling through all the colors of the platinum group.

  Jordahk's rets cleared without his consent, revealing new changes that occurred in juvi sleep. The man from the starchair looked into solid platinum irises.

  The Aurora rumbled with thunder. The sphere in the TransVex flared like a sun emerging from behind an eclipsing moon. The energy release superheated nearby gas. New, larger shards of polychromatic light shot off the iridescent man. Before his burning gaze, Jordahk finally went down on one knee. But he was determined to go no lower, even if the Aurora was brought down upon his head.

  This figure that looked like Judicum but wasn't Judicum sized him up. Jordahk felt him looking through the compy, realizing the numenium coupling was now housed in a Bitlord creation. Jordahk felt pressure in his brain and pushed back with all his will.

  The man that straddled dimensions looked toward Aristahl with a penetrating, questioning gaze. No doubt his grandfather's weakened state was perceivable to such a mega-scrutinizing eye. Aristahl stood undaunted, and merely raised one eyebrow. The shimmering man's eyes narrowed in response. Once called "Thule-Riss" by an Onus-wracked Sojourner, he strode back to the starchair.

  The pressure didn't let up until the room filled with released manifold space streaks. Jordahk stood before the starchair disappeared in swirls of light.

  He wanted to say, "What the hell was that all about?" Instead, all three of them looked toward the sphere. Its luminescence returned to normal, and it receded back into the TransVex along with some of Jordahk's hopes for the Sojourners' return.

  "He acknowledged you," Aristahl said. "Avere, Jorh-Dahk Quext."

  Jordahk brushed sweat from his brow. "Whoa, Pops. I think it's a little soon for that."

  Alb-Sone still stared out into the TransVex. "But the universe won't wait."

  Mystic was rising. The Archivers, the Artisans. It would rise regardless of their ill intent. If it was to rise for good, Aristahl would need more help than ever. Jordahk would have to keep learning, keep pushing, and overcome himself.

  The mystic tingling in his brain faded away completely. Thule-Riss, if that was him, was gone, and Khai-aLael along with him. She had given her all, along with Cranium and the others.

  Avere, traveler, Khai-aLael. I'm sorry, and thank you.

  Who knew how many others Aristahl had encountered over the years. People who put themselves in similar positions. People who hoped to forge a new future. Why was it not here yet? How did Aristahl bear it? He felt more compassion for his grandfather. He understood a little more the protections offered by his stiff and formal demeanor.

  They had won this round, but it also felt like a loss. Jordahk was threatened suddenly by a wave of sadness. He had to school it, for succumbing, as he was learning, was not the Sojourner way and would serve no one. The way forward lay elsewhere.

  Aristahl turned to him, always somehow aware of Jordahk's internal state. He offered a subtle countenance. Its tiny measured expression was nothing as overt as compassion or approval, but was a comfort nonetheless.

  Jordahk acknowledged it with a nod, then looked out the crystal. Yes, the universe was not going to wait. The TransVex continued its roiling, its myriad colors reflected in his platinum eyes. "We're not going to wait either."




  book III coming soon


  GREGORY FACCONE is an author, veteran entertainment software developer, and part-time mystery man. His wide and varied experiences have built a unique writing perspective.

  From emerging thought to forgotten ways of ancient civilizations, the author paints a possible future where character still matters. Though technology and settings change, virtue, or lack thereof, still steers the course of personal destiny.

  Somewhere across the vastness of North America, the author continues to develop the Tethered Worlds series. Connect with him via social media & GregoryFaccone.com.